Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reception Harpist at the Red Lacquer Room, Palmer House

My own little alcove!

Well, once again this wasn't a wedding, but I always feel that if a room is new to me after so many years in this business, then it could be easily overlooked by a bride.  This room is so stunning that it should be known to each and every Chicagoan!  I was playing for a reception hosted by Notre Dame University, and the room easily handled 200 people.  It is such a gracious space, with its own small lobby area, and lounges specifically for the guests being hosted in the ballroom.  It is hard to capture on film, but the room simple glows.  The chandeliers are crystal (natch), but the red pieces you see are not colored crystal, they are enormous garnets!  Apparently about 65 carats each!

Bejeweled Chandeliers!

The entire room just begs that you give yourself up to the color red, so you would need to be rather a bold bride, but I think it could be fabulous!  If you need music for your fabulousness, please visit my website at:

Well, you wouldn't expect purple flowers, would you?

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