Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Ceremony Harpist, NoMi, Chicago

Set up in the Art Gallery for the ceremony.

The private dining rooms at NoMi Kitchen are a really wonderful venue for smaller weddings. This, however, did not end up being a smaller wedding! As the Art Gallery became standing room only, I was concerned, but there is really no way to go and find anyone to voice your concerns to at that point, so I just kept playing. Once the ceremony started, I couldn't actually hear anything that was being said at the front, so it was really tense trying to get my cues. 

Sometimes my clients are almost apologetic if they send me schedules and programs ahead of time.... I actually love it! The more information that I have, the better! I think if the officiant is aware that I am waiting for a music cue, things are apt to go more smoothly, especially if we are not able to speak beforehand. If I were able to add "check in with the harpist" to the do-to list of every officiant, many possible catastrophes would be averted! Unfortunately, by the time the officiant arrives, I am often already playing, and I think they are reticent to interrupt. In the end, the bride looked beautiful, and I think I got my cues right. Sometimes, that is the best outcome we can all hope for!

This is mostly where I was. There is actually a small
alcove to a hallway, and I was pushed back a little
further into that.

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