Monday, June 26, 2017

Ceremony Harpist, Saint Gertrude's, Chicago

The amazing St. Gertrude's on Chicago's north side!

This was my first time to this lovely church, and it was a really rewarding experience. Catholic churches frequently have wonderful musicians already in place, so my job is to come in, blend in, and try to be helpful. On this day, that meant coordinating with their pianist, and switching over from a few of my regular arrangement to arrangements that she had. It is important for everyone to be playing from the same music, and she had to coordinate with the violinist as well! The pianist did a beautiful job getting me everything that I needed, and we even had time to run a few things when I arrived.

The sound of the piano, harp, and violin in the huge church was absolutely stunning, and the pianist made good use of the extra musicians throughout the mass. Thanks to wonderful leadership on the part of Saint Gertrude's pianist, the bride had really exceptional, one of a kind music for her wedding!

Set up for the processional up front.

If you are thinking of having harp, you do not need to only have harp! I am always delighted to work with other musicians!

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